31 Oct 2010

novel sequence:

Franz Kafka - The Metamorphosis

...Once during the long evening one side door and then the other door were opened just a tiny crack and quickly closed again. Someone presumably needed to come in but had then thought better of it. Gregor immediately took up a position by the living room door, determined to bring in the hesitant visitor somehow or other or at least to find out who it might be. But now the door was not opened any more, and Gregor waited in vain. Earlier, when the door had been barred, they had all wanted to come in to him; now, when he had opened one door and when the others had obviously been opened during the day, no one came any more, and now the keys were stuck in the locks on the outside.


Henri Matisse - Dance I
Musem of Modern Art NY

Photo by Fabio A Prado Cristini

art instalation sequence:

Anish Kapoor - Cloud Gate

Photos by Fabio A Prado Cristini

film sequence:

Lars von Trier - Dogville

17 Oct 2010


I was born in Sao Paulo, Brazil and have also lived in Luxembourg and Australia during high school before going back to Brazil for my undergraduate degree in Architecture and Urban Planning. I am very concerned with issues regarding city living, how we perceive, live and experience its beauties and ugliness. I wish to explore more about the boundaries that either segregate or unite people and also the physical, or even imaginary, boundaries between private and public spaces.

One of my previous works was an urban scheme that aspired to regenerate an extremely important avenue in Sao Paulo, mainly through substituting the existing bus lane, one of the main culprits of the avenue’s current appalling condition, with a light rail system and the new transport system would end up becoming an icon of the renovation, and by consequence change the fate of the avenue and its surroundings.

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